Tentative and flexible, the watchwords of Tom’s Big Adventure 2010 and Day 1 illustrates. I have been thinking about this trip for several years and really planning the route for the last few months. And then a few days ago when reading the newspaper I saw that on SAT May 15 there was an Apache song and dance competition at Fort Apache in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona. I don’t anything about the Apache except what is misrepresented in movies so we decided to leave a day early and spend the day seeing the competition. We because Marla decided to drive her car and then on SUN to return to Sun City West.
Finish loading the trailer and finally hit the road. I hadn’t gotten 2 miles when a car pulled up beside me, honked, rolled his window down and told me I hadn’t raised my trailer jack all the way up and was only clearing the road by 4 – 5 inches, oops. The Tahoe pulls the trailer really well, you know there is a trailer back there but it isn’t overwhelming.
Headed east through Globe AZ and saws the scars on the land from open pit copper mining, paste this in your browseer to see what I mean http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=globe+az&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.472848,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Globe,+Gila,+Arizona&ll=33.416255,-110.886383&spn=0.133541,0.307274&t=h&z=12
, but Globe is big-time, they have a drive-in movie theater that was advertising current movies showing on FRI, Sat & SUN nights.
And from Globe more mountain climbing into the beauty of the San Carlos and White Mountain Apache Indian reservations and the Salt River Canyon. [Two strange things, why are there so many “white man’s” names on creeks and places on an Indian reservation, N Chinatown Rd, and is it ironic or mean-spirited that part of the Apache reservations are in AZ Navajo County?]
We checked into the Hon-Dah RV Park for FRI & SAT nights and went across the highway to enjoy a seafood buffet, love the crab legs and shrimp and I made three trips up to the line.